Updated 09/12/24

1964 – 69 COHORT 55 YEAR REUNION -
The first reunion
of the 1964 to 1969 cohort was held on 9th October 2024, 55 years after the
Class of '69 left school, although some members had met at previous school
reunions. At the most recent school centenary reunion in 2019, I considered the
idea of a 50 year reunion for our cohort and, with this in mind, gathered email
addresses from those I met. Unfortunately, Covid came along to spoil those
When I visited my
good friend Sue Baker (Kelly) in June this year, she suggested that this year
could be a good year to have a reunion, so I put the idea out to those who I
was able to contact. The response was positive and the date and venue were set.
In the following months, the list of contacts grew, by word of mouth, by
chasing leads and in some cases, by lucky coincidences! By the time numbers
were finalised, I had a list of thirty-seven attending (including seven brave
spouses), with a further seventeen classmates on the list but unable to attend.
The Dandenong
Club was the chosen venue and a lunchtime event seemed the most suitable to
allow for those who had to travel. The Bowls Function Area gave us flexibility
with numbers, a great choice of platters for lunch and the chance to try some
barefoot bowling!
classmates as they arrived was quite a challenge but there were smiles, hugs,
laughter and the conversations flowed.
Two classmates
travelled from interstate: Paul Ferguson from Qld and Sue Kelly (now Baker)
from northern NSW. Others had long drives to join us: Deanne Miller (now
Storey) and husband Geoff came all the way from Inglewood and Garry Wall
battled the traffic from the Bellarine Peninsula.
To prompt memories of our years at DHS, there were:
● displays of form photos and copies of The Gate for each year;
● a slide show of these plus group and other photos;
● a display of memorabilia (including a school cap and footy jumper belonging to Dennis De George);
● a playlist of top hits from 1964-69;
● trivia questions for those who wanted to test their memories; and
● some shared classmate stories to read.
Many thanks go to the DHS Ex-Students' Association for providing access to all the wonderful resources in their archive room at the school. Thank you Greta, Ros and Laurel.
Some of us tried
our hands at bowling during the afternoon and then the Surprise Guest Video was
played on the big screen. Kevin Dalton, who now lives in Bali and was unable to
attend, sent a video slideshow outlining what he has done since leaving school.
Thank you Kevin for creating and sharing this with us.
After a rousing
rendition of the school song, group photos were taken on the edge of the bowls
area. It was then time for the Celebration Cake to be cut by Garry Wall,
wearing his old school cap and tie. After cake and further chatter, we started
saying our goodbyes - 'til next time.
Those who attended expressed their appreciation for the opportunity to meet and reminisce with their old school mates and these words from Vas Banschikov were typical of the comments.
“There was so much warmth and friendship in the group, it was the best camaraderie experience!!!!. The amazing thing is that everybody acted like it was only yesterday that we all went our different ways and not 55 years ago! Great credit to the school for teaching us some of these values.”
I would like to thank my two 'wingmen', Sue and Virginia, for their wonderful support; for acting as sounding boards for my ideas; and for assisting me both before and on the day with setting up etc. My thanks also to Garry Wall, who became fully invested in making the reunion a success and contributed many useful ideas. Garry tracked down numerous classmates and encouraged them to attend. Thanks to my husband John for organising the PA system and for taking charge of the audio visuals on the day. Finally, thank you to all of my classmates for coming along and enjoying yourselves! We Did It!
Lyn Thornton (Olds)

Max Grigg ( Chris Ansell’s husband), Ian Meyer, Colin Kemp, Robin Zlonzak, Wendy Jobling , Jim Allen, Les Fielder, Ronda Palmer,
Middle Row:
Ray Gwozdziewski (standing), Chris Ansell, Heather Aitken, Janis Kinne, Judy Gilbert, Deanne Miller, John Mallon, Deirdra Scally, Dennis De George, Garry Wall (standing), Jeff Dunemann (standing )
Front Row:
Vas Banschikov, Sue Kelly, Paul Ferguson, Virginia Birch, Petra Schmidt, Jill Dawson, Cheryl Armstrong, Diana Huisman, Lyn Olds

Ian Meyer, Colin Kemp, Robin Zlonzak, Wendy Jobling , Jim Allen, Les Fielder, Ronda Palmer,
Middle Row:
Ray Gwozdziewski (standing), Chris Ansell, Heather Aitken, Janis Kinne, Judy Gilbert, Deanne Miller, John Mallon, Deirdra Scally, Dennis De George, Garry Wall (standing), Jeff Dunemann (standing )
Front Row:
Sue Kelly, Paul Ferguson, Virginia Birch, Petra Schmidt, Jill Dawson, Cheryl Armstrong, Diana Huisman, Lyn Olds, John Thornton

Ground Row: Sybil Hayes, Jennifer Cummings, Norma Campbell, John Fowler.
First Step: David Wilson, Jim Alexander, Sergio Licit, Greta de Vries, Barbara Bright.
Rear Step: Allen Canobie, Tibor Udvary,Noel Goldsmith.
CLASS OF 1963 60th REUNION !!
Due to the enthusiasm, if not dogged determination, of Will Norfolk, with help from the Ex-Students' Ass'n, this very successful event was held at the School on Saturday 2 September 2023

Group photo before Robert Jolly arrived,..........reading from the back
Yvonne Elliott (Kirkham), John Martin and Sandra Giles (Johnston)
Peter Smith, Ross Fotheringham, Robert Bluer, Bernard Bolch, Terry Tovey and Rosalind Terry
Faye Chandley (Pyke), Bill Hall, Noel Goldsmith, Leonie Goldsmith (Smithies), Deirdre Tolmer (Litchfield) and Shirley Watts (Adams)
Miranda Tolmer (Deirdre’s daughter), Bill Norfolk and Greta Jungwirth (de Vries), DHSESA President
Please Click on this LINK to see Bill's comprehensive report of the event, together with the full collection of photos.
(All images and other details display to best advantage on a computer, rather than smart devices. May also be useful to enlarge images with the "zoom" function to 150 or 200%, after opening)
from page 12 of the Dandenong Star Journal, dated 29 August 2023

School captains Polin Sok and Pia Farias-Hernandez, togeth-er with a team of volunteers, began organising the event after one student on the Class of 2002 Facebook group asked the question that kicked things off – will there be a reunion this year?
The afternoon family event was a catered lunch held at Wa-verley Park Lake Playground, with a coffee/ice-cream van on the side. Despite the cold and cloudy weather forecast, it ac-tually turned out to be a warm and sunny day, with people travelling locally, interstate and from overseas to attend. Mathematics teacher, Ian Pegram, who now teaches at an-other school, was also able to make an appearance. One of the organisers even brought a couple of old photo albums along for everybody to look through and reminisce.
The main evening event was held at the George Lounge Basement in Fitzroy. In this new age of video conferencing technology, the organising committee was able to improve upon the 10 year reunion, this time adding a virtual option for people to attend. A Zoom meeting was set up on an iPad with headphones to be passed among the crowd throughout the night. Students and teachers were able to connect remotely from different time zones, even as far as the USA. 5 students and 2 teachers attended online.
For dinner, a decent selection of wood fired pizzas was served, accompanied with platters of dim sim rolls – a salute to the high school canteen favourite from back in the day. There was one slight hiccup though. The dim sims were deliv-ered fried, not steamed!
A couple of teachers were able to make it to the evening event – English teacher Joanne Lobocki and information technology teacher Don Morelli, while history teacher, Premila Brito, and math teacher Ian Pegram connected remotely through the Zoom link.
After everyone had settled in, a short tribute was held for the teachers and students who had passed away. Then it was time for the Dandenong High School trivia and awards presentation
A montage of photos on a slideshow was projected on the wall for the remainder of the evening, with pictures submitted from the old school days to the present time. Meanwhile, the drinks were flowing as the DJ kept the music going on the dance floor and people busied themselves at the photo booth. Some students even had a go at recreating school photos from 20 years ago. The opportunity to sing the school song was missed because the night just flew by, running an hour and a half longer than anticipated up until 1:30am. Then for those who had the energy to keep going, there was a small after-party at a burger shop.
All in all, the 20 year reunion for Dandenong High School Class of 2002 was a success thanks to every one of the students and teachers who took the time to attend and create some new memories along the way.
Special thanks are in order for the organising committee behind the preparations and sponsorship, for putting in the necessary effort to bring this event to life - Polin, Pia, Andrea, Candice, Jenny, Ebru, Dana, Daniel Pop and Sophea. Interestingly, Sophea was unable to attend the reunion at the last minute because she had to fly to Syd-ney to accept a business award on the same day! Maybe she will have even better luck and be able to attend both events when the time comes for the 25 year reunion.

As always, please let me know at of the details of any upcoming "decade", or group event you are planning, or would like to see.
you commenced at DHS in Form 1 in 1963 and finished (or would have finished)Form 6 in 1968, we're planning a 50
year REUNION DINNER for 24th November, 2018, followed by a family BBQ on Sunday
the 25th to which we hope as many as possible can attend. Contact Pauline via
The following is an account of the Class of 1976's 40th Reunion, as contained in the Association's Newsletter for Autumn 2017
Many thanks to Editor, Don Metcalfe

A combined reunion of former students and staff from the above schools, was held at the ANN ST. property on 25 March 2017. As per arrangements shown opposite >>>>
All enquiries to:
PHOTOS on their FaceBook site
Dandenong Girls High School Old Girls
For anyone wanting to order the "Torch" USB the cost is $15.00 and you can make payment at the school reunion on Saturday. The cost includes the USB and the postage. We ask that you bring the correct money which will be placed into a sealed envelope with your name and address so that we can post them to you as soon as they are available.
Alternatively you can make a deposit into our bank account
Bank of Melbourne
Cleeland High Reunion Fund
BSB 193-879
Acct 448971876
Please ensure that once payment is made that you email your name, address and receipt number to
Send SMS with same details to 0439 636 508
Looking forward to seeing everyone on Saturday
On Saturday 17 October 2015, three separate reunions were held at the school, for the classes of 1960, 1965 and 1975. See photos for each oof these with the individual reunion notices below:
Russell Newton organised a very successful get together at the school on Saturday 17 October. Please contact Russell at with any queries you may have. Here are photos of those attending.
Names appear when hovering on a 'thumbnail' and at bottom of each enlarged photo
Russ Weber and Margaret Rogers report a very successful event held at the school, with a separate social gathering afterwards. Pictured below are the members of the happy throng, gathered in the school library, on Saturday 17 October 2015.
Names appear when hovering on a 'thumbnail' and at bottom of each enlarged photo
This group also celebrated its anniversary at the School on Saturday 17 October. Pics of this event follow:
A FULL REPORT of this very successful event, by Margaret Haywood (nee Banfield) can be found HERE
CLASS OF 1952 Get Together/Lunch 2015

Some of Lou Russell's classmates got together at the Tooradin Hotel, to help celebrate his 80th birthday in October. Pictured from left to right are; Marion Wulf (nee Smith) Lou Russell, Dawn Wilson ( nee Rowley) Joan Risely (nee Brewer) Janice Pearson (nee Mitchell)
August 2015

Pictured rendering a lusty version of the "The Best School Of All", while at the Beaconsfield Football club celebrations are: David Pateman, Laurie Barnes, Ian Meyer, Lou Russell, Graeme Pateman, Ray Gwozdziewski, Peter Zecola, and Brendan Milne
On 8 November 2014, an enthusiastic number of past students from the Class of 1979 got together for what is their fourth reunion. The latest occasion was held at "Atura", Dandenong. One of the organisers, Robert Grigg, has passed on a photo of the occasion, together with a couple of "comparison" pics of the earlier functions.
1996 2009 2014
October 2014
Following the amalgamation of secondary schools at Dandenong and Doveton with the Dandenong High School in 2008, a number of schools (under differing historical names) are now eligible to apply to form separate "Chapters" of the DHS Ex-Students Association. These schools are: Dandenong Girls Secondary School; Cleeland Secondary College; Doveton High School; Doveton Technical School; Doveton Secondary College. Any past students from these schools who may be interested in forming such a body should contact the DHS Ex-Students Association at this email address:
In the meantime, this website will, from tome to time, include reunion and other information of interest to former staff and students from these former schools. The first of these is below:
The Doveton Technical College held a very successful reunion for all past students and teachers from 1963-1993 on Sunday October 12th 2014, at the Dandenong Workers Club (Wedge St) Organisers Chris Holland and Lance Murray were extremely pleased with the great interest shown, with over 160 attending, including former Vice-Principals 98 year old Jim Nuttall and Allan Wookey. Allan being a member of the original 1963 staff team . Noel Chapple, who had been Principal at the time of amalgamation with DHS, was the key speaker, drawing on a depth of knowledge and anecdotes, which strongly resonated with the assembled throng.
Here are a selection of photos from the day, as provided by Chris Holland:
Click to open
This reunion took place on Saturday 13 September 2014, with over seven hundred excited ex-students and staff having a final look at their old school before it makes way for further developments of the enlarged Dandenong High School's playing fields. Many photos were taken, stories re-told, friendships renewed, in what was a peculiar mix of nostalgia and great fun.
Here is a collection of photos that were taken on the day: Enjoy!
Click to open
* * For details of the 1958 Form 5 group's lunch on 25 October 2013, see " NEWS" items on the previous Page
CLASS OF 1952 REUNION: (1947 - 1952 Student Group)
On Saturday 27 October, 2012, there was an outstanding roll-up at DHS, when a total of 85 ex-students, together with partners, attended the 60th Anniversary reunion of the "Class of 1952" . Several had travelled long distances from the country and inter-state, to climb the stairs to the old Physics room, where a light luncheon was served amidst the slightly chaotic, yet overwhelmingly laughter-filled warmth of the occasion..
School Principal, Susan Ogden, after being welcomed by the group's spokesman and committee member, George Gill, gave a short address, in which she highlighted some of the the more recent changes and achievements within the school; most notably the addition of seven new 'House ' buildings, each providing accommodation for 300 students. Shortly afterwards, Mrs Ogden, together with Associate Principal, Mark Gow, conducted the group over one of the new buildings, which, when compared to the facilities students from sixty years ago thought normal, was an absolutely amazing experience.
The happy day concluded at 4:00 pm, following which a smaller number re-grouped a little later at a nearby restaurant, where further reminiscing ensued; and together with the aid of a little 'stimulis', it is reliably reported that a range of old stories from the playing fields and classrooms of the past provided several new 'insights' as the evening wore on. J

Some of the large contingent arriving in the old physics room. (The date shown on the photo should read 27 October.)

Another section of the "class of '52"
(1957 - 1962 Student Group)
Nearly 40 ex-students, including partners and staff, assembled in the school library for this reunion on 27 October, 2012, October. President of the Ex-Students Association and former '57/'62 student, Greta Jungwirth (deVries) welcomed all who attended, describing the program for the day, which included a very good display of photographs, as well as old DHS uniforms. Greta introduced the Principal, Susan Ogden , who, in echoing Greta's words of welcome, highlighted the planned tour of one of the new 'House' buildings, that would take place later in the afternoon. (The seven new 'Schools within Schools', occupy all of the former oval, with the playing fields of the former Girls School/Cleeland Secondary College now utilised by the expanded DHS. )
After the 'marking of the roll', led by Gary Matthews, and a lusty singing of "We are the School", the group enjoyed a deliciuous lunch, and renewed old frienships. 'Exies' came from as far afield as Darwin, and Queensland. for the chance to meet up with their old friends from fifty years ago.
For ease of understanding, in all of the following photos, former student's school names have been used, rather than married names.

Greta de Vries, Susan Ogden, David Ogden, Mark Gow, Sally Dowman

"General Assembly"

Peter Mitchell, Sergio Licit, Jim Maughan, Barbara Funston, Peter Austin (behind)

David Byrne, Greta de Vries, Ruth Evans, Pam Gilbert

Carol Elletson, Carole Marsh, Jim Maughan

Serg Licit

David Byrne, Carol Elletson, Lorraine Schonville, Ruth Evans, June Piddock-Dean

Joan Pickering, Lynette Waterstrom, Lorraine Schonville

Gail Jenkins, Susan Ogden, David Ogden

Barara Trenery, Veronica Verhelst, Susan Martin, Loris Medlin

Ron Smith, Peter Mitchell, Lynette Waterstrom

Peter Mitchell, Noel Goldsmith and others

Trevor Turner, Veronica Verhelst

Trevor Turner, Ira Longmuir

School steps (new stained glass window just visible above door)

School song with old House banners in background
ON MONDAY 1 NOVEMBER 2010. 28 former students from the class attended a very
enjoyable BBQ at Russ Weber's home at Mt Dandenong.
Here's one of the photos taken >
Here we see Alan Stocks, Tim Rogers
and Alan Barlee, sharing a moment.

This was successfully held over the weekend of 12th and 13th of September 2009.
The main event was preceded by two separate "decades" functions, which were both extremely well attended. People travelled from interstate and even overseas, with a further highlight, at the 20's/50's decade luncheon, being the surprise presentation of a Life Membership to long serving Ex-Students Association committee member, Don Metcalfe. Don, who is the Current Newsletter editor, has been a member of the Association since leaving school in the 1950's, has held virtually every office, as well as a period on the School Council, including time as President.
It is estimated that about 700 ex students, with their spouses, together with some staff, past and present, attended the main reunion celebration.This was held at the school on Sunday 13 September.
Guest speakers were Irene Marriott and Bob Glassborow, both students of the 1920's. Both Irene and Bob held the audience in rapt attention, as they re-called some of their experiences from those very earliest days of our school.

Norma Rees (Campbell) Gary Matthews and Helen Loughman (Downes) meeting up at the reunion. Both Norma and Helen travelled from the USA to be there.
At the conclusion of the afternoon assembly, as many as possible crowded onto the front lawn, to witness the unveiling of a plaque by the Minister of Veterans Affairs, re-dedicating the original two-storey building as the "Langford Building", in honour of our first Headmaster, Mr Percy Langford. The plaque was funded by the Department of Veterans Affairs in recognition of the fact that the school's colours were chosen by Gallipoli veteran Mr Langford, who re-called the colours of his 4th Lighthorse regiment. The plaque's design and wording emphasises this link.
If anyone knows of the existence of private video footage of the 90th anniversary would you please contact me at If we are able to obtain a copy, this would be a most useful addition to our archives.