TURNING 100 IN 2019 !!
See "Reunions" page for photos

The specially convened choir of ex-students and former staff,who,in 1996,recorded the songs you will hear on this page.
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Click on the green text below, next to the "speaker", or the 'start' arrow in the left hand corner, depending on your selection, to hear that song, then scroll down for further School and House songs
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Faber Quisque Fortunae.mp3 Size : 2.885 Kb Type : mp3 |
We are the school, we make the rule,
This is the song that we pass along,
The word and the rhyme, the tune and the time,
That the School will sing forever.
Work to win, despair is sin,
The best may fall to rise again,
The team will win that tries again,
Work conquers all.
This is the gate to the way long and straight,
That leads to the road, where we carry our load,
With gladness or care, with courage to dare,
While we travel we'll sing forever. Chorus:
Work is our aim, till our fortune we frame,
Till we vanquish our foes, and forget all our woes,
Till we win every game, and we earn the fair name,
That the School will live forever. Chorus:
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We Shall Be Strong.mp3 Size : 4.344 Kb Type : mp3 |
Dandenong High School, gateway to the future,
Proudly borne in battle, your colours flew;
The standard that led a regiment to conquer,
You give into our keeping to win renown anew,
"Faber Quisque Fortunae",
Our faith and courage leading us along,
We give our pledge of loyalty,
"We shall be strong".
Architects of fortune, labouring together,
Gaining inspiration from work and play;
The royal blue we bear has taught us truth and loyalty,
The trust of our companions we would not dare betray.
Heroines and heroes, wearing red for courage
Forged a great tradition in days gone by.
We build for the future, proud of our achievement,
We meet the greatest challenge, our courage ever high.
Dandenong High School, though the years divide us,
Worthy sons and daughters we shall remain;
And when through the gate we enter on our journey,
Our courage, faith and loyalty will build a greater name.
Chorus: ___
Best School of All.mp3
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Speech Night Song.mp3 Size : 4.398 Kb Type : mp3 |
Speech Night is here; the final term is ending,
Our work is done for yet another year;
Now as we leave, for some the world lies open.
Some will return to labour once more,
And may their toils build up a better School yet;
Where all may come behind us to learn.
We gather here, the hopes of years behind us,
Yet future hopes swell up in us anew,
For in our toil and in our quest for knowledge
We taste of joys to many unkown:
We laboured then for scholarship and learning
We'll labour more ere we leave this day.
Now as we leave this year which lies behind us,
Some may pass on to yet another life:
A life in which, though far from School and learning
We may yet need the lessons learnt today,
The lessons not of maths, of art, of science,
But how to live at peace with mankind.
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Bluegum House Song.mp3 Size : 3.004 Kb Type : mp3 |
In a High School on the highway,
In the Shire of Dandenong,
There are pupils,girls and boys,
Short and tall and fat and long.
Oh our Bluegum, Oh our Bluegum,
To us, you are the best,
We strive for you in earnest,
With renewed zeal and zest.
There are Houses, four in number,
For which they strive to shine.
But this one's good old Bluegum,
How glad I am she's mine.
This is Bluegum! We are Bluegum!
In our swimming we do well,
In athletics, choir and tennis,
We really do excell.
Here is Bluegum! Mighty Bluegum!
We have our share of brains,
With their studies and their lessons,
Our scholars take great pains.
Onward Bluegum! Always Bluegum,
Forward for our School's renown,
But remember this, of all things,
Never let the old House down.
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Clematis House Song.mp3 Size : 2.604 Kb Type : mp3 |
Clematis is the best House in the School;
Whtaever it is we meet the test,
The highest standard is our rule,
A standard higher than the rest.
When other Houses try to beat us
Our competition is too great,
We never lose - we always win,
We never lose - we always win,
When they meet us they meet their fate.
We never lose - we always win,
We never lose - we always win,
When they meet us they meet their fate.
Ours is the best House, the Blue House - Clematis.
Whatever we do, we don't give in.
Clematis always march to victory,
With faithful hearts and will to win,
Second's good but first is better,
But win or lose, we're of good cheer.
We never lose - we always win,
We never lose - we always win,
We'll win the Cup again this year.
We never lose - we always win,
We never lose - we always win,
We'll win the Cup again this year.
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Orchid House Song.mp3 Size : 3.65 Kb Type : mp3 |
Oh Orchid is the best of all,
And forever, we will see,
Our purple banner flying high
Backed by Orchid's famous cry.
Orchid teamwork never fails
To impress the other teams
Of our most illustrious School,
Of our most illustrious School.
We have learned the Golden Rule -
Pull together to the end.
Never cease till the game's won,
Hope will last while Orchid lives.
On the sports fields Orchid wins.
While in classroom Orchid shines,
Leave despair to other kids,
Leave despair to other kids.
When we leave old Dandy High,
We will cherish memories,
Of the fun and games we had
While in Orchid fighting on.
Never will our Orchid fail us,
Though the times be tough and grim,
Orchid still will wear a grin,
Orchid still will wear a grin.
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Wattle House Song.mp3 Size : 3.777 Kb Type : mp3 |
Wattle pulls together till the foe is glad to run.
Our banner waves before us, gleaming golden in the sun.
And when the games is toughest, Wattle teamwork has it won.
Our fame will live for aye.
Wattle fellowship is glorious,
Fighting spirit meritorious,
We'll make Wattle still victorious,
So our fame will live for aye.
At work and on the playing field we give the rest a fright.
We may not all be brilliant, but we try with all our might.
And till the game is over, Wattle won't give up the fight.
So our fame will live for aye.
The champions of other years have borne our flag along.
The School will still be proud of us, for we don't do it wrong.
The future Wattle champions will join us in our song.
And our fame will live for aye.
You'll never tame a tiger while he's hunting for his meat.
You'll never lick an army that refuses to retreat.
And Wattle can't be beaten, for WE NEVER KNOW DEFEAT.
So our fame will live for aye.
Copy of original recording donated by Pat Hickman (nee Sum)
A selection of items from the Annual Competition of that year (complete with authentic 33 and a third vinyl scratches!)Fiddler on the Roof - Bluegum
Fiddler on the Roof Bluegum.MP3
Grandfather's Clock - Clematis
Grandfather's Clock Clematis.MP3
Joy is Like the Rain- Orchid
Joy Is Like The Rain Orchid.MP3
Go Down Moses- Wattle
Go Down Moses Wattle.MP3