TURNING 100 IN 2019 !!
See "Reunions" page for photos
Updated 10/12/ 2024
(1960 onwards)
Similarly to the previous "Photos" page, in this section ex students and former staff are invited to contribute photographs of their (or family member’s) days at DHS. These photos will be of immense interest to other former staff and students. Please take the time therefore, to clearly identify the year and form, or other context that might apply to the photo . These can either be formal class photos, or others from your personal "school days" collection.
Photos should preferably be sent in digital format, ie, via e-mail. If you only have hard copy photos it would assist if you could arrange to scan them first before e-mailing to the address below:
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Email Address: dhsexstudents@gmail.com
As far as possible photos and "links" to photos are arranged in chronological order. Simply scroll through to find your time at school.
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The "New" building. Completed in 1958.
Photo taken 50 years later, not long before it was demolished, to make way for the next round of new buildings.



1960 1D From Frances Benson (Froukje Van de Vrugt)
Froukje is 1st on the left in the 3rd row.
1960 1F From Anna Pereboom (Veldman)

1960 2A From Bill Nicoll (Names from Joan Van Der Horn (Campbell)

4th Row: |
Harry Westerndorp, Frank Wells, Bill Andrews, Jeff Batten, Stephen McIntosh, Kevin Curtis, Gordon Griffin, Bill Nicol, Barry Gilchrist, Les Midro, Graham Oliver, |
3rd Row: |
Janet Byrne, Leonie Booker, Carol Robertson, Joan Campbell, Judy Connelly, Robyn Brown, Greta Van Wanderin, Doreen Bland, Jeanette White, Margaret Osborne, Elaine Leslie, |
2nd Row: |
Dennis Mills, John Dalton, Joseph Leczeski, Brian Boote, Marion Law, Eve Jelenik, Annette Dean, Peter Thompson, Stan Wassylko, Richard Petrowski, Rodney Sheard, Quentin Buckley |
Front: |
Janice Robinson, Sylvia Greaves, Pat Taylor, Elke Nissen, Rosseta Di Bortoli, Ian Watson, Mrs Barber, Cheryl Jackson, Pru Barlee, Heather Smith, Rosemary Kelly, Susan Stainsby |
1960 2D From Bronwyn Mutton (Howie)

1960 - 2E From Andrew McVean
1960 - 3B From John van Eiremen
1960 - 3C From Yvonne Elliott (Kirkham)

1960 - FORM CAPTAINS from Margaret Rogers
1960- FORM 6 - OLYMPIC PARK from Russ Weber

1960- FORM 6 from Margaret Rogers

Back row L to R: Peter van Hoof, Graham Morden, Fred Noblet, John Andrews, Richard Almark, Allan Stocks, Roger Barlee, Anton Iseli , Waldermar Galloway 3rd row: Judith A’Vard, Jeanette Gibson, Evelyn Felbel, Liz Cox, Pam Carr, Lyndon Webb, Elizabeth Holdsworth, Pat Gaston Joan Alexander, Margaret Davies, Marilyn Norman 2nd row: Gael Thompson, Robert Wilson, Ivars Satins, Gary Huntingford, Ron Nethercott, Peter Holloway, Brian Semple, Leigh Ward, Lucien Czercawski, Joy Annear Annear Front: Kaye Longmuir, Joan Roberts,Grace Kermode, Jennifer Symons, Russell Weber, Mr Baines, Margaret Rogers,Maureen Gunton, Jennifer Bright, Denise Knight, Ursula Wahr
1960 STAFF (Formal) From Bronwyn Mutton (Howie)

1960 STAFF (Informal) From Bronwyn Mutton (Howie)

1961 - 2C From Anna Pereboom (Veldman)

- 1961 3A From Bill Nicoll (Names from Joan Van Der Horn (Campbell)

4th Row: |
Gillian Fenny, Janet Byrne, Cheryl Jackson, Bill Andrews, Richard Knowles, Harry Westerndorp, Quentin Buckley, Christine Clarke, Margaret Osborne, Elaine Leslie |
3rd Row: |
Ian Watt, John Beaumont, Les Midro, Ray Watschur, Stephen McIntosh, Peter Allen, Hank Bongers, Barry Gilchrist, Bill Nicol, David Hinton, Charles Williams, |
2nd Row: |
Rodney Sheard, John Dalton, Brian Wallis, Stan Wassylko, Brian Boote, Robert Grondman, Ian Watson, Joseph Leczseki, |
Front: |
Robyn Browne, Joan Campbell, Rosemary Kelly, Janice Robinson, Pat Taylor, Mr Chesney, Pru Barlee, Eve Jelenik,Heather Smith, Marion Law, Carol Robertson. |
1961 - 3B From Andrew McVean
1961 - 4B From John Van Eimeren
1961 - 4C From Yvonne Elliott (Kirkham)

Back Row: - ? -, - ? -, Keith Hinton, Dianne Whittle, Len Makin, John Adlam, Margaret Fowler, - ? -, - ? -, David Ryan.
Fourth Row: Ralph Sutcliffe, Jacqui Hawkes, Malcolm Pettigrove, Joan Tuinzing, Andre Bokos, Marjorie Pentland, Bernard Seebeck, - ? -, Anthony Mussert, - ? - Ferenc Udvary, Ruth Camp
Third Row: Henry Licht, Eunice Wood, John Taylor, Geraldine Perlstein, Bruce Merat, Judith Cummings, V. Rosalion, Barbara Creed, Graeme Brownfield, Paula Muskens, Daryl Hood, - ? -, Ken Harris
Second Row: Geraldine Phillips, Gordon Lowing, Heather Ross, Peter Holloway, - ? -, Mr Baines, Miss Mason, - ? -, Maureen Gunton, - ? -, Pam Kelly, Wim Reyntjes
Front Row: Harry Denbrave, - ? -, Peter Felbel, - ? -, Ian Osborne, Margery Richards, Richard Allen, - ? -, Pat O’Brien, Gillian Ellett, Tim Kupsch, Juanita Twyford

Form 6's Ferenc Udvary convincingly winning the 220 yards at Olympic Park
1961 STAFF From Bronwyn Mutton (Howie)

1962 2C From Ruth Schmalstieg (Geringhoff)

1962 2D From Ruth Schmalstieg (Geringhoff)

1962 - 3C From Anna Pereboom (Veldman)

1962 3D From Frances Benson (Froukje Van de Vrugt)
Froukje in top row 2nd from left
1962 4A From Bill Nicoll (Names from Joan Van Der Horn (Campbell)

4th Row: |
Cornelius Van Eysdon, Bretton Symons, Ian Watt, Denis Mills, Les Midro, David Hinton, Charles Williams, Bill Andrews, Richard Nowell, Quenton Buckley |
3rd Row: |
Peter Allen, Margaret Osborne, Ray Watschur, Janet Byrne, Barrie Gilchrist, Margart Heath, Hank Bongers, Diane Wylie, Rodney Sheard, Elaine Leslie, Bill Nicol, |
2nd Row: |
Cheryl Jackson, Joan Campbell, Rosemary Kelly, Janice Robinson, Heather Smith, Mr Richardson, Pru Barlee, Eve Jelenik, Pat Taylor, Carol Robertson, Marion Law. |
Front: |
Harry Westerndorp, |
1962 - 4B From Andrew McVean
1962 - Form 5 Girls from Yvonne Elliott (Kirkham)
1962 - Form 5 Boys From Yvonne Elliott & John Van Eimeren
1962 BOYS TENNIS Max Oldmeadow
1962 FORM 6 From Greta Jungwirth

1962 Senior Softball B From Bronwyn Mutton (Howie)

1962 HOUSE CAPTAINS From Max Oldmeadow

1962 GENERAL ASSEMBLY From 'The Gate'
Note the presence of Head prefects on the platform
1962 STAFF From Gary Matthews

1963 1A From John Frith

Back Row: 1. ? Robertson Stevenson (nickname Tich), 3. John Frith, 4. Geoff Byrnes, 6. Andrew Green 3rd Row: 6. John McPhee 2nd Row: 3. Geoff White (nickname Blacky), 7. David Manley Front Row: 2. Jennifer Smith, 6. Maths teacher – Mrs. Windsor

1963 1E From Richard Lewinski
1963 2C from Bronwyn Mutton (Howie)

1963 3A From Ruth Schmalstieg (Geringhoff)
1963 3B From Ruth Schmalstieg (Geringhoff)

1963 3C From Chris Keys

1963 - 4B Anna Pereboom (Veldman) & Anne Landells (Briggs)

1st row: Glenda Cleary, ?,
Sandra Findlay, Joan Edis, Jillian Hillard, Mrs. O’Loughlin, Lynette Dudly,
Heather Sloan, Wendy Thompson, Helen Belousow, Susan Williams 2nd row: I don’t know any of the names of these boys
except the second from right: Bob Barfoot 3rd
row: H. Jefminko, Anna Veldman,
Gene Battrick, Claudia Gillies, Judith Metherall, Pamela
Bramley, Anne Briggs, Margaret Bongers, Nel Spruitenburg, Judy Foster, Shareen
Carey 4th row: ?,
?, ?, ?, Tony Remington, ?, ?, ?, John Scott, John Garnett
1963 4D From Frances Benson (Froukje Van de Vrugt)
Froukje is in the front row, first from right
1963 5A From Sandra Findlay (Simon)
1963 5B From Bill Nicoll (Names from Joan Van Der Horn (Campbell)

4th Row: |
Shirley Wall, Jackie Hather, Margaret Griffin, Dianne Churchill, Carol Arnott, Pauline Dyson, Eva Havel, Janette Douglas, |
3rd Row: |
Heather Canobie, Judith Connolly, Carol Flack, Bill Kerr, Dennis Atken, Gary Howe, Anne Judge, Paula Williams, Sue Davies, |
2nd Row: |
Bill Nicol, Ken Rawlings, Terry Villils, Tadek K , Chris Ingham, John Davies, Peter Kavanagh, Ken Wallis, |
Front: |
Jeanette Baker, Virginia Smith, Liz
Keam, Heather Smith, Mr Ian
Whykes, Kaele Phillips, Sylivia
Greaves, Joan Campbell, |
Seated on ground: Ute Martini |
1963 5C From Max Oldmeadow
1963 - 5E From Andrew McVean

1963 - 5F From John Van Eimeren
1963 SOCCER From Andrew McVean

1963 Senior Softball B From Bronwyn Mutton (Howie)

1963 VOLLEY BALL From Andrew McVean
1963 - FORM 6 GIRLS From Bronwyn Mutton (Howie)

1963 - FORM 6 BOYS From Bronwyn Mutton (Howie)

1963 - PREFECTS From Bronwyn Mutton (Howie)

1963 STAFF (From Bronwyn Mutton (Howie)

Back Row: Geoff Cameron, Jeff Wilson, Lindsay Holder, Jeff Dunemann, David Churchill, Jimmy Allen, Geoff MacCumber, Paul Ferguson
3rd Row: Gwen Young, Christine Thompson, Pat Ryan, Vicki Hall, Cynthia Dawson, Gillian Watkins, Grace Hulme, Marion Nutt, Vera Karpas, Erica Thomas, Christine Ansell
2nd Row: John Mallon, Allan Rooke, Ross Perkins, Stuart Aisbett, Ron Meyer, Paul Lilley, Robin Zlonzak, Jimmy, Tssoussi, Kevin Monk, Denis Van Dammme
Front Row: Glenda Williams, Lyn Olds, Pam Briggs, Barbara Sharp, Marise Wright, Helka Fokkema, Sue Kelly, Helen Lean, Lorraine Gilham, Jan Jager, Jan Everett
Seated: Lorraine Woodward Form Teacher: Mr Szidat
1964 2A From John Frith

Back Row: 2. Andrew Griffiths, 6. Andrew Green, 7, Geoff Byrnes, 8. John Frith 2nd Row: 3. John McPhee, 5. David Manley, 6. Graham Nash, 7. Frank Meerman, 8. Geoff White

1964 4C From Chris Keys

1964 2B From Paul Ashford
1964 - 5C From Frances Benson (Froukje Van de Vrugt)
Froukje is in the 3rd row, 3rd from right
1964 - 5D From Anna Pereboom (Veldman)

1st Row: Anna Veldman, Joan Edis, Wendy Thomson, Wendy Bright, Mrs. Vukmirovic, ?, Helen Kimble, Sandra Clark, ? 2nd row: no known names except third from left: Brendan Miney 3rd row: ?, Graeme Noblet, ?, M. Skilney, Morris Dean, ?, Bob Barfoot, ?, ?, 4th row: Lorene Mosig, ?, ?, P. Zeccola, ?, ?, Sandra Finlay, Glenda Cleary
1964 - Form 6 Boys From Max Oldmeadow, Andrew McVean, Bill Nicoll

4th Row: |
Elaine Rickard, Eva Havel, Barbara McCauley, Marion Kermode, Sue Davies, Heather Canobie, Denise Johnson, Jeniffer Madison, Denise Brookman, |
3rd Row: |
Margaret Matheson, Margaret Shaw, Lynette Howie, Lee Spicer, Margaret Heath, Margaret Osborne, Marion Law, Cheryl Jackson, Solange Wynne, Frankie Ord, Margaret Griffin, |
2nd Row: |
Carolyn Grantham, Kristeen Stirling, Margaret Remington, Jill Bartlett, Pam Lovell, Sylvia Greaves, Carol Kester, Joy Beard, Marion Howie, Paula Williams, Rosemary Kelly, Chris Broderick |
Front: |
Barbara Goodburn, Par Taylor, Pru Barlee, Judy Orr, Colleen Waterstrom, (Form Captain) Miss Houston, Kathy Smith,(Form Vice Captain) Gail Raymond, Glenda Gray, Joan Campbell |
Seated on ground:Elaine Leslie, Ute Martini, Carol Bishop, Corrie
Dembrave |
1964 HOUSE CAPTAINS From Andrew McVean

3rd Row: |
Peter Zecola, Len Axen, ? Derek, Margaret Griffin, Geoff Hillard, Denise Johnson, Geoff
Morris, Bill Nicol, Janet Cole, |
2nd Row: |
Cheryl Jackson, Wasyl Furyk,
Corrie Dembrave, Michael Stocks,
Margaret Bongers, Ted Smith, Jill Hillard, Paul Lewis, |
Front: |
Joan Campbell, Derek Morse, Jilly Berry, Graham Cheeseman, Miss
Houston, Mr Cooke, Ute Martini, Ron
Townsend, |
Head Prefects: Graham Cheeseman, Ute Martini |
1964 SOCCER From Andrew McVean
1964 VOLLEY BALL From Andrew McVean
1964 SPORTS DAY From Frances Benson (Froukje Van de Vrugt)
1964 LUNCH TIME From Ruth Schmalstieg (Gertinghoff)

1964 TASMANIAN EXCURSION From Ruth Schmalstieg (Geringhoff)

1964 Break-Up Day From Andrew McVean

1964 Break-Up Day From Andrew McVean

1964 Break-Up Day From Andrew Mc Vean

1965 1D From Elizabeth Turner (Marriner)
1965 IA From Pat Sum (Hickman)

1965 2B From Lyn Thornton (Olds)

Back Row: Geoff Cameron, Geoff MacCumber, Lindsay Holder, Alan Rooke, Gwen Young, Christine Ansell, David Churchill, Jeff Dunemann, Jimmy Allen, Paul Ferguson
3rd Row: Christine Thompson, Jan Jager, Lorraine Gilham, Glenda Williams, Vera Karpas, Pam Briggs, Helen Lean, Virginia Birch, Jan Everett Pat Ryan, Erica Thomas,
2nd Row: Gerald Haddock, Denis Van Damme, Stuart Aisbett, Kevin Monk, Max Puddy, Robin Zlonzak, Ron Meyer, Graeme Oldmeadow, John Mallon, Barry Davis
Front Row: Marion Nutt, Sue Kelly, Barbara Sharp, Helka Fokkema, Lyn Olds, Mrs Gillespie, Jimmy Tssoussi, Cynthia Dawson, Marise Wright, Vicki Hall, Helen Kerr
Seated: Lorraine Woodward Form Teacher: Mrs Gillespie
1965 2E From Ray Gwozdzieski

1965 3A From John Frith

Back Row: 2. John Frith, 6. Andrew Green, 7. Geoff Byrne, 8. Robert Stevenson 3rd Row: 7. Jennifer Smith 2nd Row: 1. Phillip (? Williams), 2. Geoff White, 3. Frank Meerman, 4. Graham Nash, 5. David Manley, 7. John McPhee Front Row: 1. Christine Yates, 3. Robin ?, 5.Mrs P Smith Domestic Science Teacher, 6. Andrew Griffiths
1965 3B From Paul Ashford

1965 5A From Ruth Schmalstieg (Geringhoff

1965 5B From Norma Morris (Campbell)
1965 5C From Ruth Schmalstieg (Geringhoff

1965 5D From Chris Keys

1965 6A From Max Oldmeadow

1965 - 6B From Bill Nicoll

1965 - PREFECTS From Bill Nicoll

1965 STAFF From Max Oldmeadow

1966 2H From Elizabeth Marriner (nee Turner)

Back Row: ?, Jimmy Allen, ?, John Mallon, Alan Rooke, John Spirling, Denis Van Damme, Jeff Dunemann, Lindsay Holder, Paul Ferguson
3rd Row: Diana Huisman, Sue Kelly, Nadia Furyk, Marion Nutt, Ingrid Visser, Denise Smith, Barbara Sharp, Pam Briggs, Robyn Sloan, Jeanette Orton, Jill Dawson
2nd Row: ?, John Davies, Jimmy Tsoussi, Paul Kolacz, Sam Sufra, Clive Winstanley, Kevin Monk, Grant Mathews, Stuart Aisbett, Graeme Oldmeadow
Front Row: Petra Schmidt, Carol Forkgen, Lorraine Gilham, David Leyonhjelm, Miss Doubell, Lyn Olds, Helen Lean, ?, Erica Thomas
1966 4F From Paul Ashford

Row – L to R:Pauline
McLean, Coralie Hayse, Gail Hutchinson, Rosylyn Lendel, Marion McNamara,
Jeanette Smith, Anne Clay, Lois Gilbert, Christine Harvey, Diane Pentford
Second Back Row:Alison McLeod, Rodney Lowe, Paul Ashford, Geoffrey Elliot, Tony McLeavy, Daryl Cheeseman, Roger Gillett, Ray Childs, John Arnott, Gary Chessell, Beverley Andersen,
Third Back Row:Helen Auldridge, Margo Buxey, Ann Stutley, Carol Gilbee, Angela Duffy, Ina Pinkster,Sue Johnson, Mary Celuk, Dianne Umbers, Annechris Vat.
Savenkoff, Sandra Wasiutyyn, Jenny Stevens, Irene Rigowski, Leigh Osbourne, Beris
James, Judith Field, Marion (Mick) Harrop, Helen Stubbs. (Names supplied by Bev Pocknee (Andersen)
1966 4H From Richard Lewinski

1966 6A From Max Oldmeadow

1966 STAFF From Max Oldmeadow

1967 Centralian Tour From Paul Ashford

3rd from right - teacher Miss Fran Gass

1967 3C From Elizabeth Marriner (nee Turner)
1967 3F From Sue Zonneveldt (Wrighht)

1967 3G From Liz Johnston (nee Gearing)

1967 3L From Pat Sum (Hickman)

1967 4A From Ray Gwozdzieski

1967 4F
From Lyn Thornton (Olds)

Back Row: John Duncan, Lindsay Holder, Erica Thomas, Gail Kennedy, Deanne Miller, Jimmy Tsoussi, Jeff Dunemann, Paul Ferguson
3rd Row: Marion Nutt, Marion McNamara, Nadia Furyk, Jeanette Smith, Pam Briggs, Lyn Olds, Robyn Sloan
2nd Row: David Leyonhjelm, Denis Van Damme, Stuart Aisbett, Kevin Monk, Grant Mathews, John Davies, Paul Kolacz, John Mallon
Front Row: Christine Aisbett, Jill Dawson, Jeanette
Orton, Lorraine Gilham, Mrs Vukmirovic, Sue Kelly, Pam Mundy, Diana Huisman,
Petra Schmidt
1967 5A From Paul Ashford

1968 4C From Elizabeth Marriner (nee Turner)
1968 4L From Pat Sum (Hickman)

1968 4S From Paul Ashford & Sue Zonneveldt (Wright)

Back Row: Lindsay Holder, Wally Jefimenko, Sam Sufra, Greg Clutton, Kevin Monk, David Florence, Kevin Dalton, David Leyonjhelm
3rd Row: Diana Huisman, Lorraine Gilham, Paul Ferguson, Vas Banschikoff, Pam Mundy, Jimmy Tsaoussi, Colin Kemp, Pam Carless, Harriet Vryken
2nd Row; Denis De George, Phillip Kavanagh, David Hooper, Chris Westwood, Robert Smith, Brian Davies, Duncan Bryan, John Davies, Ian Meyer, Denis Van Damme
Front Row: Rosemary Jewel, Lyn Olds, Bev McFarlane, Judy
Gilbert, Mr Burden, Janis Kinne, Wendy Jobling, Dianne Korlowsi, Saskia Meerman

1968 6D From Paul Ashford
1968 School Formal From Paul Ashford

1968 School Formal (2)
From Warrick Brooks

1969 2D From Robert Stevens

Back Row: John Wain, Stephen Robertson, Stephen Nash, Lance Young, Paul Joyner, Alan Threlfall, Peter Lewellyn 3rd Row: John Watson, Colin Wilson, Garry Threlfall, Brian White, Douglas Maxwell, Jacob Meerman, Peter Edwards, Donald Smith, Alan Anderson 2nd Row: Donald Male, Peter Davies, Trevor Woodward, Robert Kloester, Stephen Farmer, Morris De Santis, Christopher Kelly, John Sarafis Front Row: Peter Ballas, Robyn Dalgleish, Kathy Pearce, Lyn Kelly, Mr O’Brien, Andrew Schmidt, Debra Birkett, Lisa Newton, Julie Melbourne

1969 5D From Elizabeth Marriner (nee Turner)

Back Row: Jimmy Tsoussi, Michael Stephens, Ken Peek, Bill McKelvey
3rd Row: Lesley Poulter, Ginette Bardet-Tosse, Gilbert Victoire, Bev McFarlane, Mark Pearce, Irene Wilkinson, Ruth Watson
2nd Row: DavidTune, Graeme Cowling, Ron Cooke, Robert Smith, Frank Murphy, Denis Van Damme, Denis De George, Ian Simmonds
Front Row: Klava Savenkoff, Mary Sierakowsi, Alison Smethurst, Lyn Olds, Mr Burden, Andrew Griffiths, Diane Korlowski, Barbara Sharp, Pam Carless
1969 6D From Paul Ashford

1969 RAG DAY From Lyn Thornton (Olds)

1970 4B From Kaye Baptist & John Wain

Back Row; Leonilla Nekrasova, Lorraine Garnett, Peter Llewellyn, John Wain, Christine Edwards, Kaye Baptist
Second Row: Jenny Hamilton, Joanne Titcher, Janece Hutton, Alan Threlfall, Lance Young, Robert Griffin, Davina Perry, Elizabeth Williams, Maree Green
Third Row: Kathy Pearce, John Watson, Peter Davies, Gary Threlfall, Marion Jarvis, Faye Constantine, Paul Byrne, Colin Wilson, Roderick Gardner, Karen Hawkesworth
Front Row: Christopher Kelly, Yvonne Kyle, Robert Kloester, Pamela Mason, Mr Van Nie Kirk, John Sarafis, Anita James, Trevor Woodward, Wilma Van Der Wolde
Crouching at front: Andrew Schmidt
1970 5C From Pat Sum (Hickman)

1970 6D From Pat Sum (Hickman)

1971 4A From Robert Stevsns

1971 6B From Pat Sum (Hickman)

1972 5A From Norma Morris (Campbell)
1973 1B Various around school From Brendan Murray
1973 1E From John Zwiers

1974 2A From John Zwiers

1976 4T From John Zwiers

1977 1F From John Baker

1977 5D From Brendan Murray


M Blight (Englsh), Eddie Vrieze, Rob Hansen (English), Peter Grant (Maths) , Mike Kupsch (Business)
1978 4C From John Papadopoulos

1978 6B From Brendan Murray

1983 PHYSICS From William Ng