Updated 262/08/2024
TURNED 100 IN 2019 !!
See "Reunions" page for photos
1920s to 1959
In this section ex students and former staff are invited to contribute photographs of their (or family member’s) days at DHS. These photos will be of immense interest to other former staff and students. Please take the time therefore, to clearly identify the year and form, or other context that might apply to the photo . These can either be formal class photos, or others from your personal "school days" collection.
Photos should preferably be sent in digital format, ie, via e-mail. If you only have hard copy photos it would assist if you could arrange to scan them first before e-mailing to the address below:
Otherwise you can post to Dandenong High School Ex Students Association, P O Box 383 Dandenong, 3175.
Email Address: dhsexstudents@gmail.com
As far as possible photos and "links" are arranged in chronological order. Simply scroll through to find your years at school.
If you find an image or text too small, it can be enlarged by simultaneously pressing Ctrl +

L to R: Freda Bushell, Janie Corrigan, Marjorie Butler, Grace Clark, Olive Clark, Miss Ahern
? Conway, Doreen Herrick, Lizzie Clark, Violet Chapman, Ida O’Connell, Grace Boyd, Molly Brand

1930 From Jennifer Bantow ( Cummings)

Phyllis Sneddon on the left, (mother of Judith and Jennifer Cummings, DHS late '50s/early '60s) Amy Sneddon on the right. They went to Dandenong High School, in a horse drawn wagon driven by Mr Service, from Eumemmering, wearing their heavy tunics, felt hats and black stockings, summer and winter uniform.

1937 Form Cc From Norma Morris (Campbell

Back Row: 2nd from left: Gwen Jarvis (McPhee) 3rd Row: Last on right: Norma Campbell 2nd Row: 3rd from left: Ruth Shimmen (Bean) Front Row: First on left: Wally Crisfield, Last on right: Fairley Peusom

Jim Adamson winning the mile.
Mr Mellow (left) and Mr Cain at the finish line.
1937 PREFECTS From

1938 Form Dc Girls on Frankston Pier - Inter-Schools Sports Day - From Muriel Stockdale (Stephenson)

1938 Form Dc Girls on Frankston Pier 2 - Inter-Schools Sports Day - From Gloria Welch (Vinen)

1938 Form DC From Gloria Welch

Back Row: Thelma Pepper, Mona Anderson, Joan Andrews, Margaret Breen, Laura Michelmore, Joan Cameron, Elwyn Ellis, Beryl Patullo, Marjorie Hendry;
3rd Row:. Allan Hassell, Marj Ellis, ? , Helen Pagan, Shirley Block, Gloria Vinen, Muriel Stephenson, Betty Mitchell, Jean Plowright, June Alexander, Pat Scala, Ian Gilbee;
2nd Row: Mona Anderson, Kath Williams, Mary Griggs, Bessie George, Gladys Jennion, Mavis Smart, Bess Carroll, Mavis Williams, Melva Knight, Joan Kelly;
Front Row: Janet Flint, Betty Couper, Shirley Taylor, Betty Hopkins, Thelma Whitehead, Dorothy Masterton.

1938 From Jessica Farrands (Ferguson)

1939 3C From Violet Blainey (Moore)

Back Row: Kitty White, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Phyllis Bush, Unknown
3rd Row: Margaret Bean, Unknown, Jessie Boyd, Kath Murphy, Phyllis Meehan, Maxine Copas, Dawn Brunet
2nd Row: Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, ,Unknown, Beryl Breeden.
Front Rrow: Unknown, Joyce Mitchell, Ailsa McDowell, Violet Moore
1939 4B From Margaret Haywood

1939 PREFECTS From Gloria Welch (Vinen))

Back Row: Max Hamilton, Ranald Webster, Robert Hurley, Jim Reid, David Morris, Keith Fryer
Front Rrow: Margaret Bean,Mildred Carpenter,Connie McFarlane,Marj Aspinall, Norma Fyffe
1940 1A From Sharon Llewellyn

1940 2A From June Smith (Edwards)

Back Row: A. Dean, J. McCallum, M. McLennan, M. Coventry, A. Allan, B. Rodd, R. Lloyd, T. Bishop
3rd Row: B. Wills, F. Wachter, J. Wilson, J, Singleton, W. Michelmore, J. Falloon, A. Quince, Clare Cornish,
2nd Row: R. Canterbury, N. Rosser, M. Harrison, B. Platt, J. Edwards, M. Ferguson, M. McFarlane, A. Pobjoy, D. Jameson, P. Grogan, J. Parkhill.
Front Rrow: M. Gibson, A. Wilkinson, G. Mussett, D. Hutchinson, R. Lay, N. Brimstone, N. Russell, D. Hurley
1940 - 3C From Dulcie Lainson (nee Smith)

Back Row: Dawn McCabe, Norma Gearon, Shirley Gatta, Hazel Dennis, Winsome Hallett, Jean Horsborough, Margaret Hall
3rd Row: Betty O’Neill, Deanne Dennis, Dorothy Maye, Dulcie Smith, Lesley Gilbert, Beth Gardiner, Norma Foster, Pat Cline.
2nd Row: Loris Williams, Lesley McKay, Phyllis Wiffen, Janet Lynch, Joyce Badenhop, Jean Edwards, Valma Mabey, Lorna Christie, June Ford.
Front Row: Kath Waddleton,

1940 HOUSE CAPTAINS From Marion Trigg (Dawson)

1940 PREFECTS From Marion Trigg (Dawson)

1941 1A From Don Jackson
Back Row, 3rd from RH end, is Dorothy Griffiths, last on line is (was) June Young.
4th. Row, last on right is Norma Murphy
3rd Row – can’t put a name to any of the girls
2nd Row, 3rd from left is Frank O’Shea, next to him is Rod Banks-Smith, next to him is me, second last is I think Neil Turner, last is (was) Bill Stanhope.
Front Row:- First is (was) Ken Dickinson, can’t give you any more names unfortunately.
1941 4A From Bill Howard's daughter Wendy Gemmill

1941 GIRLS SWIMMING From Dulcie Lainson (Smith)

Back Row. 3rd from left is (was) Bill Stanhope, next to him is Frank O’Shea, can’t name any others in row
3rd row:-Norma Murphy, 3rd in row may (?) be Mary Murphy
2nd Row:- third from left is Dorothy Griffiths, next to her could be June Young, can’t name any others in row
Front Row – second from left may be Victor Wakley, 4th in row is (was ) Ken Dickinson, I think I may have had a sickie that day as I can’t pick one that is me.
1942 3A From John Heath
1942 3C From Pam Oldmeadow (Saunders)

Back Row: Verna Bristoe, Pat Singleton, Jean ?, Pam Chadwick, Lesley Lolmorgen, Unknown, Unknown, Elaine Pobjoy, Unknown, Grace Shimmen, Lorna Pink, Norma Keatley. Third Row: Gwen ? , Heather McPherson, Eva Clayton, Shirley Snell, Una Koetsveldt, Norma Wood, Ruth Goldsack, Unknown, Joan Smethurst, Unknown, Pam Saunders, Dorothy Walker Second Row: Unkown, Unknown, Unknown, Mary Stewart, Joan ?, Unkown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Winnie Koetsveldt, Valda Robertson. Front Row: Joyce Liscombe, Unknown, Unknown, Unknown, Bonnie Black, Mathie Brown, Unknown, Alice Wilkinson.
1946 Form 6 From Don Jackson
1946 Junior Football From Peter Hill

Peter Hill 2nd row, 2nd from left. Please let me know of any other names you know
1946 Junior Cricket From Peter Hill

Peter Hill back row, 1st on left. Please let me know of any other names you know
1947 3A From Peter Hill

Peter Hill back row, 2nd on left. Please let me know of any other names you know
1947 BOYS SWIMMING From Peter Hill

Peter Hill 2nd row, 1st on left. Please let me know of any other names you know
1947 SENIOR CRICKET From Don Jackson

Names written on photo directly opposite each person.
Back Row:-, Mr Horsfall, Mr Clancy, Mr Ford, ?
2nd Row:- can’t place any of them save that Mr Barnes is at the right hand end of row.
Front Row:- Mr Sinclair, Mr Brumley, Mr Griffiths, Miss Armstrong, can’t place others
1948 2C From Lou Russell

1949 3B From Lou Russell

1949 Sports Day From Lou Russell

1950 2C From Miss Stainforth per Bill Nicholl

1950 4B From Lou Russell

1950 STAFF From Miss Stainforth (per Bill Nicoll)

1951 3A From Wendy Smythe (Williams)

Back row, Left to right: Graeme Matthews, Max Cleland, Geoff Clyne, Robert Constable, Aldo Gozola, Ron Hickmott, John Emerton, Len Dow, Gary Leed, Norman Johnson , Allan Gilmore. Second row: Barry Trebilco, Robert Jones, Leila Miller, Norma Fountaine, Merrill Hydon (now Hassall), Pamela Gooding, Susan Wilde, Beryl Connell, Dorothy Clark, Daniel Indikt, Ashley Cadd. Third row: Valerie Harris, Beverley Brewer, Valerie Earl, Mr. Randall, Miss Power, Judith Stutterd, Mary Canny, Marlene Lawless, Elaine Isles. Front row: John Ragg, Max Smith, Derek Prior, Laurie Dyall.
1951 4A From Miss Stainforth per Bill Nicholl

1951 FORM 5 From Lou Russell

1951 JUNIOR FOOTBALL From Max Oldmeadow
1951 STAFF From Miss Stainforth & Max Oldmeadow

Middle Row:Mrs. Nicholson, Messrs. Everett, Ellis, Robertson, Oldmeadow, Brumley, Alexander, PCW Langford, MacDonald, Shade
Front Row: Mrs. Harvey, Mrs. Skinner, Miss Power, Miss Whelan, Miss Dee, Mr.Griffiths, Miss Armstrong, Miss Stainforth, Miss Banks, Miss Dawson, Miss Rofe, Mrs. Kelly
1951 from "The Gate"

Gordon Young (Wattle House Captain) winning the 220 yards, in 23.4 seoconds, a new record.

For our annual entertainment this year we presented Humperdinck's fairy opera. "Hansel and Gretel." in the Dandenong Town Hall on Thursday and Friday. 28th and 29th June.
It was ambitious for a ' school to attempt such a difficult production. but. inspired by Miss L.Rofe. the producer and musical directress. Pupils and teachers. singers . actors. orchestra, choirs, electricians. scene-shifters, carpenters and scene-painters co-operated enthusiastically to make the two performances a success.
In order not to disappoint the courageous young singers and actors who had volunteered
to take part. Miss Rofe decided that there should be two complete casts of principals.
They were:-
Thursday Friday
Hansel Laurence Davis Hansel Janet Hartrup
Gretel Rosemary McHenry Gretel Mary Whiteside
Mother Valerie Banks Mother Joan Loveland
Father WiIIiam Noblet Father Michael Kinsella
Witch Helen Tatterson Witch Anne Buckland
Dewman Bruce Willmott Dewman David McLean
Sandman Graeme Jackson Sandman Graeme Jackson
Mr. Barnes, the financial wizard , reported afterwards that this fine entertainment showed a net profit of £114 for school funds.
1952 STAFF From Miss Stainforth (per Bill Nicoll)

1952 1D From Nola Thornburgh (Matthews)

1952 4A From Wendy Smythe (Williams)

1952 SPORTS DAY From Wendy Smythe (Williams)

4A Girls Barbara Turner and Margaret Graham

4A's Aileen Stuart
1952 GIRLS TENNIS From Max Oldmeadow
1953 STAFF From Max Oldmeadow
Note Mr Langford (returned from retirement) seated next to the newly arrived Headmaster, Mr Andrews
1953 GIRLS TENNIS From Max Oldmeadow
1953 1A From Allison Matthews

1953 2A From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)

1953 2C From Nola Thornburgh (Matthews)

1953 Form 5 GIRLS From Wendy Smythe (Williams)

1953 LUNCH TIME From Wendy Smythe (Williams) & Merrill Hassall (Hydon)

Form 5 girls (from the left, Helen Downes, unknown, Helen Shaw and Margot Mumme in front
1954 GIRLS TENNIS From Max Oldmeadow
1954 1D From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)

1954 2A From Allison Matthews

1954 3A From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)

Back row: Noelene Murphy,
Margaret Davis, Ruth Singer, Jennifer Jobson, Mai Svalbe, Fay Grigg. Middle row; Barbara Newton,
Barbara Bartlett, Beverley Walker, Barbara Downes, Beverley Shadforth, Dorothy
Harmer, Merrill Hydon (now Hassall), Carol Nicholas, Wilma Robert, Felicity
Smith, Judith Barker Front
row: Kay Gillespie, Anne Pettigrove, Dorothy Bates, Anne Garner, Barbara
Murphy, Megan Evans, Miss Taylor, Jeanette Orr, Elsa Carroll, Diana
Begg, Valerie Gertson, Helen Speed. Absent, Helen Wills.
Back row: Hubert van Delft, Ken Rout, Euen Slater, George Vincent.Middle row; Bruce Grant, John Hartnell, Jim Athorn, Ken Dimsey, Hank Muskens, Chris Neville, Derek Prior, Max Adlam, David Cox. Front row: George Robinson, John Brady, Kias Muskens, Jim Viggers, Ted Hook, Mr. Russell, Charie Zoutendyck, Ray Leeson, Geoff Stephens, Barry Gilbert, Kelvin Hazlett.
1954 - 6 From Helen Loughman (Downes)

1954 - Magazine Representatives From Helen Loughman (Downes)

1955 STAFF From Max Oldmeadow
1955 - 1B from Margaret Rogers

1955 2C From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)

1955 3C From Allison Matthews

1955 4A From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)

Ross, Ross, John

1955 BASKETBALL A From Miss Stainforth per nephew Bill Nicholl

1955 SENIOR FOOTBALL From Max Oldmeadow

1956 STAFF From Max Oldmeadow & Miss Stainforth

1956 1D From Wim Reyntjes
1956 2B From Margaret Rogers

1956 2C From Carmel Judge

1956 3D From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)

1956 Eunice and Dot
1956 Gavin Mooney
Mildura/Dandenong Sports Day 1956 From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)

1956 GIRLS TEAM ATHLETICS From Allison Matthews

At Sports Day

1956 SWIMMING SPORTS - Dandenong Baths From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)

1956 BASKETBALL A From Miss Stainforth per nephew Bill Nicholl

1956 SENIOR FOOTBALL From Max Oldmeadow
1957 from "The Gate"
Fred Noblet (Wattle) winning the mile, with "Siberia" in the background.

Back Row: Robert Smith, Laddick
Galenda, Graeme Pateman, Colin Phillips, Clive Parsons, Gordon Lowing, Peter Ross, Clive
Neville, Wim Reyntjes, Henk
Schoonbeek, Russell Rolls, Tim Kupsch, Richard Allen
3rd Row: Anne Fyfe,
Diane Whittle, Lois Edwards, - ? -,
Catherine Farr, Geraldine
Phillips, Diane Butcher, Heather Ross,
Jill Vaughan, Val McIntyrer,
Denise Kendall, -?.
2nd Row: Bev Robbie, Pam Oultram, Joan Tuinzing, - ? -, - ? -, Judith Cummings, Mr Ion Whykes, Gillian Ellett, - ? -, Eunice Wood, Margaret Fowler, Shirley Hopgood, Margery Richards, - ? –
Front Row: Charles Searby, Ian Blackhurst, Graham Hill, John O’Brien, Pat O’Brien, (/) Hatherly, Bernard Phillips, Malcolm Pettigrove, Andrew Rout
1957 4B From Monica Richmond (Phillips)

1957 4D From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)

1957 6 From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)

1957 HIGH JUMP From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)
Brian Phillips clearing the bar. ('Bristol' pre-fab building in the background, Woodwork room, which formerly adjoined the main building, is to the left)
1957 - STAFF OF "THE HINGE" (4B Parents' Day) From Monica Richmond (Phillips)

From Left: Denise Ward, Leigh Ward, Helen McLachlan, Margaret Sloan, Walter Ryland, Bernie Wilton, Glenys Johns, Monica Phillips, Doug Farr, Tony Thorne, George Nikolajuk, John Leah, Barbara Bolch, 1B and Mervyn Smyth, 2A
1957 From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)

Eugene and Dot

Irene Janet and Anthea
Irene Perlstein Marlene Morris
1957 From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)
Gail and Verna Jenkins

Verna Jenkins & friends
1957 Football Trip to Warragul From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)

1957 From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)

Irene and Jean

Julie, Zoe, Laurel, Norma and Dot

Affectionately known by the now politically incorrect title of "Greasy John's"
1957 House Athletics Sports From Gail Saddller (Jenkins)

Single click to enlarge, hover on thumbnail to see captions.
1957 SENIOR FOOTBALL From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)

1957 Quadrangle From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)

Teachers cars, having been "re-positioned" in quadrangle on break-up day. Signs read 'No Parking', and 'Tip Closed'.
1957 Ken Bennett recruited to VFL from Gail Saddler (Jenkins)

1957 Form 6 Party From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)

1957 PREFECTS From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)

1958 STAFF From Miss Stainforth (per Bill Nicoll)

1958 from "The Gate"

Our "Editor", Don Metcalfe (centre) taking his share of the glory on the pdium at the House swimming sports, which in those days were held at the Dandenong Baths.

Science teacher, Mr (Bob) Baines, on the amenities block roof at the above swimming sports, announcing the events (from Ted Hook).
1958 - 1C From Yvonne Elliott
1958 - FORM 2A from Gary Matthews

Back Row: Pat O’Brien, Malcolm Pettigrove, Mick Husa, Peter Stocks, Laddick Galenda, Rodney Mills, Charles Searby, Gordon Lowing, Clive Parsons, Peter Ross, Wim Reyntjes, Robert Handley, Bernard Phillips, Robert Smith, Tim Kupsch, Graham Hill
2nd Row, LesTrembath, John O’Brien, Colin Phillips, Daryl Hood, Henk Schoonbeek, Eunice Wood, Diane Butcher, Catherine Farr, Pam Maddocks, Geraldine Phillips, Jill Vaughan, Joan Tuinzing, Barry Ingle, Peter Smythe, Tom Smith, Daryl Hopkins, Andre Bokos, John Hutton.
Front Row: Mary Ryland, (?) Hamilton, Lois Edwards, Margery Richards, Anna Ernholm (?) , Gillian Ellett, Wendy Cornwall, Mr Rich, Heather Ross, Judith Cummings, Pam Oultram, Elsbeth Klein, Pam Clark, Carol Gange
1958 - 4A from Margaret Rogers
1958 5A From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)

1958 5B From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)

1958 Harrietville Excursion From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)

2nd pic above: Fred Noiblet with bus driver. Immediately above: Pam, Sandra & Janet
Single click to enlarge, hover on thumbnail to see captions.
1958 HOUSE ATHLETICS SPORTS From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)

Orchid House Girls preparing for official announcement of results
Top Photo: Michael Morris at start of 220 yds, Note the beginnings of the new wing in the background.Bottom Photo: Ken & Bruce.
Fred has hit the front in the back straight, Bruce Young pacing him in the background. (Note "new building" under construction.)
MORE 1958 SPORTS DAY From Carmel Judge

Fred Noblet and David Brindle
Ruby ?? and Marcia Chalmers
1958 INTER-SCHOOL SPORTS From Trevor and Ira Turner

2ND Row, first from right Trevor Turner, (without cap) behind him, 3rd from left Ray Van Der Plight, over Trevor's left shoulder, Ian Edgoose, back row 3rd from right, John Brown, extreme right, John (Swampy) Reid.
1958 From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)
Truus, Margaret, Marion & Helen
Marlene, Jackie, Meg and Bev
Don Metcalfe admiring the view from the roof of Room 9

Faye and Judy Judy Meade
1958 Junior Girls Hockey From Bronwyn Mutton (Howie)

1958 PREFECTS From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)

1959 1A From Bill Nicoll (Names Joan Van Der Horn (Campbell)

4th Row: |
Les MacDonald, Frank Wells, Bill Nicol, Stefan Czajkowski, Bill Andrews, Richard Petrowski, Les Midro, Graham Oliver, Harry Westerndorp, Quentin Buckley |
3rd Row: |
Elaine Leslie, Margaret Osborne, Doreen Bland, Joan Campbell, Beryl Ulhman, Greta Van Wanderin, Sylvia Greaves, Carol Robertson, Leonie Booker, Jeanette White, Janet Byrne |
2nd Row: |
Steven MacIntosh, Kevin Curtis, Barry Gilchrist, John Dalton, Peter Thompson,Brian Boote, Ian Watson, Stan Wassylko, Rodney Sheard, Philllip Adams, Ray Watschur, Gordon Griffin |
1st Row: |
Marion Law, Jenny Pearce, Pat Taylor, Pru Barlee, Hank Prins, Mrs Windsor, Annette Dean, Susan Stainsby, Elke Nissen, Janice Robinson, Heather Smith |
Front: |
Cheryl Jackson, Eve Jelenik, Jeff Batten, Robyn Brown, Judy Connelly |

1959 2C From Yvonne Elliott & John Van Eimeren
1959 - FORM 3A from Gary Matthews
Back Row: Graham Hill, Robert Smith, Peter Smythe, Pat O’Brien, Mick Husa, John O’Brien, Tim Kupsch, Laddick Galenda,
4th Row: Margery Richards, Yvonne Ridder , Lois Edwards, Eunice Wood, Joan Tuinzing, Jill Saunders,
Jacqui Hawkes , Elsbeth Klein, Pam Clark, Gillian Ellett
3rd Row: Robert Handley, Ralph Sutcliffe, Wim Reyntjes, Peter Ross, Simon Jefferson, Clive Parsons, Gordon Lowing, Norbert Nissen, Daryl Hood, Bernard Phillips, Rodney Mills
2nd Row: Judith Cummings, Wendy Cornwall, Catherine Farr, Richard Allen, Pam Oultram, Mr Greg O’Loughlin, Pam Maddocks, Andre Bokos, Heather Ross, Jill Vaughan
Front Row: Barry Ingle, Les Trembath, Colin Phillips, Peter Stocks

1959 - 5A from Margaret Rogers
1959 - 5B from Margaret Rogers
1959 GIRLS BASKETBALL From 'The Gate'
![]() |
1959 Basketball.pdf Size : 365.345 Kb Type : pdf |
1959 - VOLLEY BALL from Margaret Rogers

1959 GIRLS TENNIS From Gail Saddler (Jenkins)
1959 PREFECTS From Gail Saddler (nee Jenkins)

1959 STAFF From "The Gate"